
Our Workshops

We provide a series of public and private workshops to guide executives in developing, refining or reviewing current operations. Whether your organization is growing rapidly or has run into a few road blocks recently, there is a lot of value in having your sales, marketing, and business processes reviewed by an independent, outside firm that has seen similar plans in hundreds of other companies.

Sales and Marketing Planning

Are you consistently achieving your sales goals? Do you have a well-designed marketing plan which is effectively supplementing your sales effort? In this workshop we review your market and revisit the most effective methods for reaching it, as well as methods for your ideal prospects to find you. We tie expected results from marketing into understanding the proper role for your sales team, and establish stretch – but achievable – sales targets. Most importantly, we will create dashboards for proactive management of your sales and marketing resources. More on Sales and Marketing Workshops

Business Planning (Financial)

Do you have a well-defined business plan? Do you have pre-defined milestones to measure against so you can proactively make adjustments when off-course? We integrate your sales and marketing projections and supplement the plan with the ancillary COGS, staffing and expenses required for delivering on your projections. As the entire plan unfolds, we often find revisions are appropriate to the sales plan which would never have been considered if not for integrating it into a holistic business plan. Deliverables include executive summary statements, multi-year income projections with line item detail by month, critical objectives detailed by responsible party, delivery timeframe, and cash flow analysis.

Business Planning (Merger/Acquisition/Exit)

Are you preparing for a merger, acquisition or other exit? We partner together to get your entire business in shape to execute your strategy successfully. This workshop specifically addresses the needs of businesses that are exploring growth alternatives and exit planning:

  • Executing a “growth through acquisition” strategy
  • Assistance in acquisition planning and due diligence
  • Acquisition integration into the core company
  • Exit-planning scenarios

Leadership Effectiveness Workshop

You will be guided through an objective self-assessment of your strengths and constraints as a leader of people. You will identify areas where you are strong and can become stronger, as well as areas you can target for improvement. This workshop is offered as a half-day program on-site; it is typically combined with the Organizational Effectiveness Workshop. It is also available over the web.

Pipeline Analysis and Sales Forecasting

Frustrated by your sales team’s inconsistent or inaccurate forecasting? We provide a structured and defined process for pipeline management and sales forecasting. Confusion between management and sales associates is eliminated. We establish common definitions, set reasonable expectations and timeframes, and make sure everyone is held accountable. The workshop includes methods of measuring quantity and quality of pipeline activity, as well as how to forecast against proper time perspectives. This is a full-day workshop; it is available on-site or over the web.

Business Planning (Organizational/Staffing)

Do you have the right people in the right positions? We’ll review your organizational staffing needs and create a plan for reaching your goals:

  • Review the current organizational chart
  • Identify gaps and weaknesses
  • Project future staffing needs in a 6- to 18-month window
  • Assess the current staff using an “A” player scenario
  • Create agreed-upon development plans for key performers

Organizational Effectiveness Workshop

You’ll be amazed at what you uncover in our Organizational Effectiveness Workshop. We ask questions you’ve never thought to ask about your organization’s performance. You’ll find areas in which you currently excel that can be further maximized, as well as areas where money, energy and effort are being drained unnecessarily. This workshop is offered as a half-day program on-site; it is also available over the web.

Systematic Staffing and On-boarding

Working with your human resources and management team, we define the current and future job requirements for a given position, and identify the necessary experience and skill sets required for success. We introduce you to a hiring process that uses a set of tools for assessing the fit of the candidate to your organization. We provide guidance on interviewing, reference and background checks, along with the proper manner in which to extend an offer. We lay out a process for bringing the new hire up to speed, with a schedule and outline of responsibilities for the people involved. Activity and result expectations are also pre-defined for use in the interviewing process, and to allow you to hold your new hire accountable in their first 30 and 90 days.

Other Accountability Partners Services

Find out more about our other servcies and strategies that we use to help our clients succeed!